You are nearing the end of your second trimester and most likely, experiencing a good sense of control over things. Since the uterus is becoming tight for him, the kicks and stretches feel sharper for you. The baby has also begun his exploration to find a position for birth. He may have turned his head to face down. Any placenta issues, mum? Do eliminate excess fat and processed foods from your diet to keep the placenta and the umbilical cord healthy. These two are not as resilient as the blood vessels in your body. Hence, you need to strengthen them with a lot of greens like spinach, broccoli, and cucumber and a good iron intake.

Garbha Vriddhi
षष्ठेमासि गर्भस्य बलवर्णोपचयो भवत्यधिकमन्येभ्यो मासेभ्यः। (चरक् संहिता शारीरस्थान ४/२२)
Ayurveda says manifestation of स्नायु (ligaments), सिरा (vessels), रोम (hairs), नख (nails) and त्वचा (skin) takes place this month.
Your Baby's Development
Blink and Bat
Those little eyes — which have been shut for the past few months so that the retina, the part of the eye that allows images to come into focus, could develop — are beginning to open at 26 weeks. So, get ready for cute blinks and bats! The colour of the eyes will depend on the parents' genetics, and brown is very common. You won't know the permanent colour for a while: that would probably settle by the time your baby's three.
Little Nails
Your baby’s fingernail and toenail beds had formed at Week 11. In this phase, fingernails will start to form. Many babies are born with quite sharp and long nails, in fact. Be forewarned: They can be jagged and sharp by the time your baby arrives in your arms.
Swallowing practice
The pharyngeal swallow, one of the first motor responses in the pharynx, has been observed between 10 and 12 weeks' gestation. Recent studies have demonstrated swallowing in most fetuses by 15 weeks' gestation and consistent swallowing by 22 to 24 weeks' gestation.This week, she is practicing swallowing amniotic fluid like a pro. This goes a long way to develop her lungs.
Testicles dropping
If you're having a boy, his testicles have begun to descend into his scrotum – they will take about two to three months from now to descend completely. While in the uterus, a baby’s testicles initially develop in his abdominal cavity. Not long before birth, they typically ‘drop’ or ‘descend’ into his scrotum. In some cases, though, one or both testicles fail to descend before birth. This is known as an undescended testicle or what doctors call cryptorchidism. Cryptorchidism is not that uncommon for baby boys, especially if they’re born early. It only happens in about 3% of full-term babies, but the percentage rises to 30% in premature baby boys.
Umbilical Cord
The umbilical cord is now stronger and thicker, supplying the growing baby with all of the necessary nutrients. Beware, this cord needs some pampering by mum. Eat greens, iron-rich foods and avoid sugary, junk foods to keep this valuable agent of the baby’s growth healthy.
Your Pregnancy Symptoms
Lower-back pain
You might be experiencing a dull ache down there. It is mostly because of your growing uterus that has shifted your center of gravity. The stretch that your belly is experiencing has also weakened your abdominal muscles. Another reason could be that the added weight of the uterus is pressing on a nerve, not to mention the hormonal changes that have loosened your joints and ligaments. Yoga is your best bet, mum!
Know the signs of preeclampsia
Preeclampsia – a serious condition that is chiefly a result of high blood pressure – most often shows up after 37 weeks, but it can happen earlier, so it's important to be aware of the warning signs. Keep an eye for swelling in your face or puffiness around your eyes, more than slight swelling of your hands, excessive or sudden swelling of your feet or ankles, or rapid weight gain (more than 2 kgs in a week).
Braxton Hicks contractions
These occur mostly in the third trimester but some mums can feel them now. Braxton Hicks contractions appear as tightness in your abdomen. In some cases, they can be more painful. Staying hydrated is one way you can help ward off Braxton Hicks contractions. If you are unsure if you’re feeling Braxton Hicks or true labor contractions, contact your doctor immediately.
Stress and anxiety
Often, we focus on physical symptoms and brush aside these important emotional symptoms. Some women experience stress now as the baby’s arrival seems more imminent. Yoga and meditation have HUGE benefits. Hang out with friends, and take a break from your routine - it helps.
Urinary tract infections
Bacteria can sometimes make their way into the body through the urethra causing these infections. They can lead to more serious bladder or kidney infections if not treated. If you experience painful urination, a strong urge to urinate, or develop a fever, go to the hospital.
As you approach the third trimester, keep your hydration on top priority. Drinking enough water will ensure sufficient supplies of the amniotic fluid. It will also reduce your fatigue and constipation. Have water-rich fruits and vegetables as snacks!
iMumz Wellness Tip
There are many ways to describe a balanced diet. Having different ‘colours’ on the plate is one such way. Here is how Ayurveda describes it, based on its fabulous research.
In pregnancy, make sure that you have Shad Rasatmak Aahar. It talks about the inclusion of six rasa (six tastes) to make your diet balanced. On a given day, your diet should include ALL of the following rasa in some or other for. This practice will not only satisfy your cravings, it will also maintain the equilibrium of the panchamahabhutas.
The Six Rasas:
1. Madhura (sweet)
2. Amla (sour)
3. Lavana (salty)
4.Katu (pungent)
5.Tikta (bitter)
6.Kashaya (astringent)

Your Pregnancy check-ups
If you’re Rh-negative, and your baby turns out to be Rh-positive, this can cause serious health problems for your baby. But no-one knows what your baby’s blood type is until after birth. So if you’re Rh-negative, you’ll be offered a special injection called Anti-D at your 26-28 week antenatal visit and your 34-36 week visit.
You’ll also be offered Anti-D if you have a bleed during pregnancy. This reduces the risks of health problems.
After your baby is born, blood is collected from your baby’s umbilical cord and the Rh type is checked. You’ll have another Anti-D injection if your baby is Rh-positive.
What should you eat in this week of pregnancy?
As you approach the third trimester, keep your hydration on top priority. Drinking enough water will ensure sufficient supplies of the amniotic fluid. It will also reduce your fatigue and constipation. Have water-rich fruits and vegetables as snacks! Cucumbers have the highest water content of any food. As a water-rich food cucumbers are made up of 96% water. Coming just below cucumbers in water-rich food top list, tomatoes are made up of 95% water. It may seem unusual, but Spinach is made up of 93% water. mushrooms are made up of 92% water. Melons are one of the most hydrating foods you can eat with 91% water. Another surprise candidate is Broccoli with 90% water. Oranges contain 86% water, along with a high dose of vitamin C.
Pasta in its simplest form is a blend of durum wheat flour and water. Durum wheat is high in protein and is used to make pasta though not fit for making bread or other baked products! Let’s use it and throw in water-rich vegetables.
- 250 gms pasta of your preference
- 4 tomatoes, quartered
- 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
- 1 clove garlic, chopped
- Rock salt and black pepper
- 1/2cup fresh basil, chopped
- 1 cup of chopped Broccoli, Spinach, Cucumbers and Mushroom
- 1/4cup grated Parmesan
- Pasta seasoning
- Boil pasta in salt water until tender. Drain the pasta and return it to the pot.
- Puree in a food processor: the tomatoes, oil, garlic, ¾ teaspoon salt, and ¼ teaspoon pepper.
- Toss the pasta with the tomato sauce and half the basil.
- Saute the vegetables lightly in olive oil. Add pasta seasoning.