January 27, 2023

9 Weeks Pregnant: Garbh Sanskar, Symptoms and Tips

iMumz Expert Panel
Experience the power of Garbh Sanskar and give your baby a positive start in life with our 'Week 9' pregnancy program!
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iMumz Expert Panel
Updated on:
January 27, 2023

Week 9 is a sweet landmark. At the end of this week, you reduce the risks of early miscarriage quite a lot. You’d be feeling and wanting to drop on the bed quite frequently. It is because your body is working hard in the first trimester to develop the placenta. Feeling too emotional? Mood changes are expected, largely caused by estrogen and progesterone fluctuations. These hormonal changes can affect the level of mood-regulating brain chemicals called ‘neurotransmitters’. They could be made worse by your stress and anxieties.

Garbha Vriddhi

द्वितीय शीतोष्मानिलैरभिप्रपच्यमानानां महाभूतानां संघातो घनः संजायते, यदि पिण्डः पुमान, स्त्री चेत पेशी नपुंसकं चेदर्बुदमिति॥ (सुश्रुत शारीरस्थान)

Ayurveda says the accumulated mahabhutas in 1 st month get processed by the combined effect of sheeta-ushma-anila and become Ghana (solid).

Your Baby's Development

Muscles formation

Since little muscles are starting to form, overall, the baby is getting stronger. It is still so tiny to make that increasing strength felt by you, though! Actually, the baby is moving vigorously, even in response to stimuli from outside your body, such as light and noise. But, you won’t feel them for a few weeks.

Teeth are budding

In both the bands of gums, ten tiny tooth buds are developing. Later, these will become the 20 "baby teeth" that fall in childhood. Soon, the teeth start to harden and attach nicely to your baby’s jaw. Of course, you will get to see them only about 5 months after birth when the first ones erupt.

Your baby’s heart

The four chambers of your baby's heart have formed, though really, really tiny. The sound can be heard on the doppler ultrasound and it is much faster than your own!

Placenta on the job

Hi, placenta! Yes, that is a new organ that your body is growing. It is attached to your uterus and connected to your baby through the umbilical cord. It has developed quite a bit by this week and has started its job of producing hormones that help your baby grow and develop. By the end of your pregnancy, it will be about 9 inches in diameter and an inch thick.

Baby’s face

It looks somewhat like a human face with eyes protected by eyelids, a little mouth and even a tongue with the teeniest taste buds. The hands and feet aren’t there yet but markings on where they will appear can be spotted. The spinal cord "tail" has also almost disappeared.

Your Pregnancy Symptoms

Frequent urination

The urge to pee more than before might bother you at night when you are trying to get to sleep. Try to sit for longer on the commode to give the bladder a chance to double-empty itself.

Food cravings

Sometimes you might wonder why you are really going mad craving for carrot halwa, for example! Your hormones are tricking your taste and smell. Sometimes, it could be a nutritional deficiency driving it, though. But if you start to crave nonfood substances, such as laundry starch, dirt, or clay (a condition called pica), let your doctor know.

Food aversions

It could be puzzling for you that certain foods that you liked earlier are now disgusting! This is caused by increasing levels of estrogen in your system. Avoid spicy foods and foods with strong smells.

Heightened sense of smell

It’s called Hyperosmia and happens because the rising estrogen has made your nose very sensitive. Try to stay away from strong odors. Keep a hanky with a soothing smell in your purse!


Tiredness is common. Try to take rest every few hours. If in office, put your feet on a stool and try to get a short nap while seated.

Sore breasts

Hormones in your body are already preparing your breasts for lactation. The milk ducts are growing and being stretched as they fill with milk early in pregnancy. Your nipples might feel sore, especially after a shower. Switch to comfortable sports bras.

Heartburn and indigestion

You might feel a burning sensation or pain in the chest, feeling full, heavy or bloated, burping or belching, and a feeling that food is coming back up the food pipe. Give your digestive system a new pattern that is easier for it: 6 small small meals instead of 3 regular ones. Chewing mint leaves will reduce the burning sensation. Add asafoetida (hing) in dals and buttermilk for relief.


It may surprise you if you have never experienced it before, but your bowels may become hard and difficult to pass. Try to have a glass of warm water and lemon first thing in the morning. Citrus fruits like oranges, sweet limes act immediately in constipation. Sweet potato is also beneficial.

If your hormones have made you sensitive to smells and going about a regular day is becoming impossible, here are some handy tips.

  • Crush and put some neem leaves in bathing hot water or mix 2 tsp of lemon juice and take a bath with this water. This will help as natural deodorant for your body and no need to use artificial sprays which triggers nausea.
  • Natural smells like the fragrance of  flowers will help to reduce  your nausea.
  • Spend as much time as possible in fresh air to soothe the olfactory senses.
  • Turn off the flame when you add spices to the boiling oil during cooking.
  • Favour natural ventilation over air conditioning. Keep the doors and windows open.

Your Pregnancy check-ups

Your doctor may discuss with you about the 1st Trimester Screening test that is done between Weeks 9 and 13.

The test combines results from a blood test and an ultrasound to assess the risk of having a baby with Down syndrome. This test can detect some other abnormalities and may also tell if you have a multiple pregnancy, for example twins. The screening test does not usually detect spina bifida.

The first trimester test involves 2 measurements:

A sample of your blood is taken at a pathology collection centre between 9 weeks to 13 weeks 6 days of your pregnancy, but ideally between 9 to 12 weeks. This test is used to check the levels of 2 hormones in your blood that change during pregnancy (free B-hCG and PAPP-A). Changes in these levels can indicate a serious chromosomal condition.

An ultrasound is done between 11 weeks to 13 weeks 6 days of pregnancy, ideally at 12 to 13 weeks. The ultrasound allows the thickness of fluid in an area behind the baby’s neck to be measured. This area, known as nuchal translucency, is often larger in babies with Down syndrome. The person performing the ultrasound will also take some measurements to calculate your developing baby’s gestational age (age in weeks and days).

A computer program then combines these test results plus your exact age, weight and your baby’s correct gestational age, to identify  the risk of your baby having Down syndrome, Trisomy 13 and Trisomy 18.

What should you eat in this week of pregnancy?

We know that our body uses iron to make hemoglobin that transports oxygen throughout our body. During pregnancy, much more is needed. The body supplies blood and oxygen to the baby, so the demand for iron goes up to keep up with the increase in blood supply. You will need twice the amount of iron—27 mg per day—now that you are pregnant! Here is an iron-rich recipe for you!

Bajra-Potato Roti


  • 2 cups Bajra Flour ( Pearl Millet)
  • 1/2 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1 cup mashed potatoes  
  • 1 cup Methi Leaves (Fenugreek Leaves) , chopped finely
  • 1 teaspoon chopped green chillies
  • 1/2 teaspoon red chilly powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder (Haldi)
  • 1 teaspoon cumin seeds (Jeera)
  • 1/2 teaspoon ajwain (Carom seeds)
  • 1/2 teaspoon chaat masala
  • Salt, to taste
  • Oil for a touch up!


  1. Add all the ingredients in a large bowl and mix everything.
  2. Make a soft dough adding warm water,
  3. Divide the dough into equal sized balls depending upon the size of the paratha you prefer to make.
  4. Dust the ball well and roll out into a paratha depending upon the thickness you prefer.
  5. You can either roll it with a belan or pat it out with your palms.
  6. Heat the pan well. Gently place the roti on the pan and cook until brown spots appear. Flip and cook.
  7. Apply a little oil on both sides and cook a bit more.

In the Article

Week 9 is a sweet landmark. At the end of this week, you reduce the risks of early miscarriage quite a lot. You’d be feeling and wanting to drop on the bed quite frequently. It is because your body is working hard in the first trimester to develop the placenta. Feeling too emotional? Mood changes are expected, largely caused by estrogen and progesterone fluctuations. These hormonal changes can affect the level of mood-regulating brain chemicals called ‘neurotransmitters’. They could be made worse by your stress and anxieties.

Garbha Vriddhi

द्वितीय शीतोष्मानिलैरभिप्रपच्यमानानां महाभूतानां संघातो घनः संजायते, यदि पिण्डः पुमान, स्त्री चेत पेशी नपुंसकं चेदर्बुदमिति॥ (सुश्रुत शारीरस्थान)

Ayurveda says the accumulated mahabhutas in 1 st month get processed by the combined effect of sheeta-ushma-anila and become Ghana (solid).

Your Baby's Development

Muscles formation

Since little muscles are starting to form, overall, the baby is getting stronger. It is still so tiny to make that increasing strength felt by you, though! Actually, the baby is moving vigorously, even in response to stimuli from outside your body, such as light and noise. But, you won’t feel them for a few weeks.

Teeth are budding

In both the bands of gums, ten tiny tooth buds are developing. Later, these will become the 20 "baby teeth" that fall in childhood. Soon, the teeth start to harden and attach nicely to your baby’s jaw. Of course, you will get to see them only about 5 months after birth when the first ones erupt.

Your baby’s heart

The four chambers of your baby's heart have formed, though really, really tiny. The sound can be heard on the doppler ultrasound and it is much faster than your own!

Placenta on the job

Hi, placenta! Yes, that is a new organ that your body is growing. It is attached to your uterus and connected to your baby through the umbilical cord. It has developed quite a bit by this week and has started its job of producing hormones that help your baby grow and develop. By the end of your pregnancy, it will be about 9 inches in diameter and an inch thick.

Baby’s face

It looks somewhat like a human face with eyes protected by eyelids, a little mouth and even a tongue with the teeniest taste buds. The hands and feet aren’t there yet but markings on where they will appear can be spotted. The spinal cord "tail" has also almost disappeared.

Your Pregnancy Symptoms

Frequent urination

The urge to pee more than before might bother you at night when you are trying to get to sleep. Try to sit for longer on the commode to give the bladder a chance to double-empty itself.

Food cravings

Sometimes you might wonder why you are really going mad craving for carrot halwa, for example! Your hormones are tricking your taste and smell. Sometimes, it could be a nutritional deficiency driving it, though. But if you start to crave nonfood substances, such as laundry starch, dirt, or clay (a condition called pica), let your doctor know.

Food aversions

It could be puzzling for you that certain foods that you liked earlier are now disgusting! This is caused by increasing levels of estrogen in your system. Avoid spicy foods and foods with strong smells.

Heightened sense of smell

It’s called Hyperosmia and happens because the rising estrogen has made your nose very sensitive. Try to stay away from strong odors. Keep a hanky with a soothing smell in your purse!


Tiredness is common. Try to take rest every few hours. If in office, put your feet on a stool and try to get a short nap while seated.

Sore breasts

Hormones in your body are already preparing your breasts for lactation. The milk ducts are growing and being stretched as they fill with milk early in pregnancy. Your nipples might feel sore, especially after a shower. Switch to comfortable sports bras.

Heartburn and indigestion

You might feel a burning sensation or pain in the chest, feeling full, heavy or bloated, burping or belching, and a feeling that food is coming back up the food pipe. Give your digestive system a new pattern that is easier for it: 6 small small meals instead of 3 regular ones. Chewing mint leaves will reduce the burning sensation. Add asafoetida (hing) in dals and buttermilk for relief.


It may surprise you if you have never experienced it before, but your bowels may become hard and difficult to pass. Try to have a glass of warm water and lemon first thing in the morning. Citrus fruits like oranges, sweet limes act immediately in constipation. Sweet potato is also beneficial.

If your hormones have made you sensitive to smells and going about a regular day is becoming impossible, here are some handy tips.

  • Crush and put some neem leaves in bathing hot water or mix 2 tsp of lemon juice and take a bath with this water. This will help as natural deodorant for your body and no need to use artificial sprays which triggers nausea.
  • Natural smells like the fragrance of  flowers will help to reduce  your nausea.
  • Spend as much time as possible in fresh air to soothe the olfactory senses.
  • Turn off the flame when you add spices to the boiling oil during cooking.
  • Favour natural ventilation over air conditioning. Keep the doors and windows open.

Your Pregnancy check-ups

Your doctor may discuss with you about the 1st Trimester Screening test that is done between Weeks 9 and 13.

The test combines results from a blood test and an ultrasound to assess the risk of having a baby with Down syndrome. This test can detect some other abnormalities and may also tell if you have a multiple pregnancy, for example twins. The screening test does not usually detect spina bifida.

The first trimester test involves 2 measurements:

A sample of your blood is taken at a pathology collection centre between 9 weeks to 13 weeks 6 days of your pregnancy, but ideally between 9 to 12 weeks. This test is used to check the levels of 2 hormones in your blood that change during pregnancy (free B-hCG and PAPP-A). Changes in these levels can indicate a serious chromosomal condition.

An ultrasound is done between 11 weeks to 13 weeks 6 days of pregnancy, ideally at 12 to 13 weeks. The ultrasound allows the thickness of fluid in an area behind the baby’s neck to be measured. This area, known as nuchal translucency, is often larger in babies with Down syndrome. The person performing the ultrasound will also take some measurements to calculate your developing baby’s gestational age (age in weeks and days).

A computer program then combines these test results plus your exact age, weight and your baby’s correct gestational age, to identify  the risk of your baby having Down syndrome, Trisomy 13 and Trisomy 18.

What should you eat in this week of pregnancy?

We know that our body uses iron to make hemoglobin that transports oxygen throughout our body. During pregnancy, much more is needed. The body supplies blood and oxygen to the baby, so the demand for iron goes up to keep up with the increase in blood supply. You will need twice the amount of iron—27 mg per day—now that you are pregnant! Here is an iron-rich recipe for you!

Bajra-Potato Roti


  • 2 cups Bajra Flour ( Pearl Millet)
  • 1/2 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1 cup mashed potatoes  
  • 1 cup Methi Leaves (Fenugreek Leaves) , chopped finely
  • 1 teaspoon chopped green chillies
  • 1/2 teaspoon red chilly powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder (Haldi)
  • 1 teaspoon cumin seeds (Jeera)
  • 1/2 teaspoon ajwain (Carom seeds)
  • 1/2 teaspoon chaat masala
  • Salt, to taste
  • Oil for a touch up!


  1. Add all the ingredients in a large bowl and mix everything.
  2. Make a soft dough adding warm water,
  3. Divide the dough into equal sized balls depending upon the size of the paratha you prefer to make.
  4. Dust the ball well and roll out into a paratha depending upon the thickness you prefer.
  5. You can either roll it with a belan or pat it out with your palms.
  6. Heat the pan well. Gently place the roti on the pan and cook until brown spots appear. Flip and cook.
  7. Apply a little oil on both sides and cook a bit more.

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