Weeks and Trimesters
June 12, 2023

Prenatal Yoga increases your chance to have a natural delivery. Is this true?

iMumz Expert Panel
Practising Yoga and keeping yourself physically & mentally fit while pregnant, results in quicker recovery and healthier outcome of your baby.
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iMumz Expert Panel
Updated on:
June 8, 2023

Giving birth to a baby, whether it is the first or second, can be sometimes problematic and extremely challenging on the mother's body. However, being mindful in pregnancy can surely help the pregnancy journey, from conception to delivery. In the quest for a solution, a lot of people would’ve heard about Prenatal Yoga.

We’re sure you heard it too. And now you're curious to know more.
So we’re here to tell you how Prenatal Yoga can increase your chance to have a natural delivery. Yes, it is true. 

What is a natural delivery?

A natural delivery refers to a delivery without the use of interventions such as C-section or instruments such as vacuum or forceps. 

Why is it important? 

It reduces the risk of complications during labour and improves the psychological well-being of the mother.

How can you achieve this?

Practising Yoga and keeping yourself physically & mentally fit while pregnant, results in quicker recovery and healthier outcomes even if you, your baby & your medical practitioner choose a C-section for any reason. 

Is there any proof of Yoga’s positive outcome on pregnancy?

Studies have shown that practising yoga during pregnancy can…

  • Help prepare the body and mind for labour and delivery, 
  • Better pain management,
  • Increase strength and flexibility,
  • Lead to increased relaxation, 
  • Improve breathing and 
  • Most importantly, reduce stress. 

All of these factors contribute to a more positive and successful natural delivery experience.

Hear what experts from the medical field have to say 

  • "Effect of prenatal yoga on birth outcomes: A randomised controlled trial" (Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 2016) - This study found that women who practised yoga during pregnancy were less likely to have a C-section and more likely to have a spontaneous vaginal delivery compared to those who did not practise yoga.
  • "Yoga in pregnancy: A review of the evidence for maternal and newborn outcomes" (Journal of Perinatal Education, 2013) - This review of the literature found that practising yoga during pregnancy may lead to better birth outcomes, including increased relaxation, improved breathing, and reduced stress, which can all contribute to a more successful natural delivery.
  • "The effects of prenatal yoga on birth outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis" (BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 2016) - This systematic review and meta-analysis of multiple studies found that prenatal yoga was associated with a reduced risk of C-section and a higher likelihood of spontaneous vaginal delivery.

Need we say more? No. We’re glad you think the same too. What next?

Can Prenatal Yoga be done by beginners?

Yes, absolutely. Yoga is low impact so is an ideal exercise in pregnancy. Even if you have not done Yoga before, you can always start when you're pregnant.

How do you start practising prenatal yoga? Do you need guidance?

To start, it is best to consult with your Doctor before beginning any new activity and look for an expert, qualified Pregnancy Coach. 

And yes, you do need the guidance of a Pregnancy Coach. Not all Yoga poses are safe during pregnancy, so it is best to practise under the guidance of a qualified Yoga Coach who has experience working with pregnant women. 

Including Yoga in the daily routine when pregnant, helps women regain their birthing strength and gain back control of their labour and delivery. 

Remember, this is the most important nine months of your life, so make the right choice.

Giving birth to a baby, whether it is the first or second, can be sometimes problematic and extremely challenging on the mother's body. However, being mindful in pregnancy can surely help the pregnancy journey, from conception to delivery. In the quest for a solution, a lot of people would’ve heard about Prenatal Yoga.

We’re sure you heard it too. And now you're curious to know more.
So we’re here to tell you how Prenatal Yoga can increase your chance to have a natural delivery. Yes, it is true. 

What is a natural delivery?

A natural delivery refers to a delivery without the use of interventions such as C-section or instruments such as vacuum or forceps. 

Why is it important? 

It reduces the risk of complications during labour and improves the psychological well-being of the mother.

How can you achieve this?

Practising Yoga and keeping yourself physically & mentally fit while pregnant, results in quicker recovery and healthier outcomes even if you, your baby & your medical practitioner choose a C-section for any reason. 

Is there any proof of Yoga’s positive outcome on pregnancy?

Studies have shown that practising yoga during pregnancy can…

  • Help prepare the body and mind for labour and delivery, 
  • Better pain management,
  • Increase strength and flexibility,
  • Lead to increased relaxation, 
  • Improve breathing and 
  • Most importantly, reduce stress. 

All of these factors contribute to a more positive and successful natural delivery experience.

Hear what experts from the medical field have to say 

  • "Effect of prenatal yoga on birth outcomes: A randomised controlled trial" (Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 2016) - This study found that women who practised yoga during pregnancy were less likely to have a C-section and more likely to have a spontaneous vaginal delivery compared to those who did not practise yoga.
  • "Yoga in pregnancy: A review of the evidence for maternal and newborn outcomes" (Journal of Perinatal Education, 2013) - This review of the literature found that practising yoga during pregnancy may lead to better birth outcomes, including increased relaxation, improved breathing, and reduced stress, which can all contribute to a more successful natural delivery.
  • "The effects of prenatal yoga on birth outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis" (BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 2016) - This systematic review and meta-analysis of multiple studies found that prenatal yoga was associated with a reduced risk of C-section and a higher likelihood of spontaneous vaginal delivery.

Need we say more? No. We’re glad you think the same too. What next?

Can Prenatal Yoga be done by beginners?

Yes, absolutely. Yoga is low impact so is an ideal exercise in pregnancy. Even if you have not done Yoga before, you can always start when you're pregnant.

How do you start practising prenatal yoga? Do you need guidance?

To start, it is best to consult with your Doctor before beginning any new activity and look for an expert, qualified Pregnancy Coach. 

And yes, you do need the guidance of a Pregnancy Coach. Not all Yoga poses are safe during pregnancy, so it is best to practise under the guidance of a qualified Yoga Coach who has experience working with pregnant women. 

Including Yoga in the daily routine when pregnant, helps women regain their birthing strength and gain back control of their labour and delivery. 

Remember, this is the most important nine months of your life, so make the right choice.

Weeks and Trimesters
June 12, 2023

Prenatal Yoga increases your chance to have a natural delivery. Is this true?

iMumz Expert Panel

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