Time to learn some new words: One is linea nigra or that darkened line running from your belly button to your pubic bone. The other is chloasma, which literally means, "mask of pregnancy." It's the extra pigment your skin is getting that may cause some darkening of your nipples, freckles, scars, underarms, inner thighs, and vulva. Are leg cramps keeping you awake at night? These painful spasms that radiate up and down your calves. All this and episodes of fatigue are because of all the hard work your body is doing to make sure that it is a comfortable home for the baby.

Garbha Vriddhi
चतुर्थे मासि स्थिरत्वं आपद्यते गर्भः, तस्मात्तदा गर्भिणी गुरुगात्रत्वं अधिकं आपद्यते विशेषेण। (चरक शारीरस्थान)
Ayurveda says the mother starts feeling heavier in this month due to initiation of the fat deposition process. The foetus attains stability.
Your Baby's Development
Lung development
This is continuing at a good pace. The main branching tubes are making tinier tubes in the lungs which will turn into air sacs (alveoli) in later months
Reproductive system progresses
If you’re carrying a girl, her uterus, vagina, and fallopian tubes are already in place. Her ovaries also contain millions of underdeveloped eggs! In baby boy, external genital organs are growing
Skin layers
A layer called ‘vernix caseosa’ is covering the baby’s sensitive skin/ It acts as a lubricant to help your baby pass through the birth canal with more ease. It’s many benefits are - Creating a waterproof layer to protect baby's skin from the amniotic fluid. Acting as a guard against infection. Helping regulate baby’s body temperature. Keeping baby's skin moisturized. Promoting quick healing from any wound.
Although you won't see them for a few months after birth, your baby's primary or first set of teeth are developing deep inside the gums.
Neural development
Nerve cells for sense of hearing, touch, sight and smells are taking shape in the baby's brain. A fatty substance called ‘myelin’ is also forming around your baby’s nerves. This insulates the nerves, supporting the motor neuron connections between their brain and their muscles, enabling movements to be more coordinated. Know why a newborn’s movements are jerky and uncoordinated? It’s because myelin has not fully formed!
Kidney function
The urinary tract and its circulatory system are fully functional at this time. The baby’s urine is excreted into the amniotic sac, the bag of fluid in mum’s uterus that contains the baby and amniotic fluid. The placenta then removes the waste.
On-purpose movements
In this week, the baby’s brain is developing millions of motor neurons. Neurons are nerves that help muscles in the brain communicate. This new development that will continue from now on means that the baby can make purposeful movements, like sucking thumb, moving head and moving the body.
Your Pregnancy Symptoms
Shape of bump
The shape and size of a 19 weeks pregnant bump will vary from woman to woman. First-time moms might have smaller bumps, while women who’ve already been pregnant will probably have a bigger bump.
Shortness of breath
Your circulatory system expands and keeps blood pressure lower than normal. As a result, you might get dizzy, lightheaded, nauseated, or faint if you stand or rise too quickly.
Round ligament pain
Round ligament pain is also seen these days where due to growing size of uterus, round ligaments support it to stretch. This causes pricking pain in your lower abdomen whenever you change your position or get up suddenly
Nose bleeds
Pregnancy rhinitis causes congestion in the nasal tract, postnasal drip, and runny nose. When you keep blowing your nose to clear the blockage, a nosebleed can occur. If faced with a nosebleed, follow these steps:
- Sit up straight or stand up.
- Then, pinch both nostrils under the bridge of your nose and lean forwards.
- Keep that pinch hold for 8 to 12 minutes as you breathe through your mouth.
- When it stops, and if you feel dizzy, please lie down on your side. If the bleeding is just not stopping, and you are feeling sick, please go to the hospital immediately.
Abdominal cramps
Your baby is growing fast, which means that the structures that support your uterus have to stretch. Your muscles and ligaments are working overtime to support your growing bump. This can cause some abdominal or lower back soreness. But if you feel intense cramps, don’t hesitate to call the doctor.
Bleeding gums
You also might encounter tender or bleeding gums. Learn about dental care during pregnancy.
Breast size increase
Your breast cup size increases around your 19th week of pregnancy due to enlarging milk-duct glands and increasing blood flow.
iMumz Wellness Tip
Dizziness might continue through the second trimester hence we advise caution. No sudden rising from the bed, mum!
Focus on relaxing throughout the day, not just when you get palpitations or a racing heart.
Try this simple and powerful breathing exercise: Dirgha shwasan. It simply means that you need to stop and take five deep breaths every 1-2 hours to help calm your mind and keep you relaxed.
Keeping your general stress levels low can help you avoid episodes of fast heartbeat and lower your resting heart rate over time. Remember, consistency is the magic key.
We have curated several pregnancy lifestyle sessions and expert-led webinars to help mums to build flexibility and to prepare their bodies for delivery.

Your Pregnancy check-ups
Amniocentesis is a test offered around this time only to some pregnant women. It is a follow-up to an ultrasound that would have indicated an anomaly or something worrisome.
It is a procedure in which amniotic fluid is removed from the uterus. This fluid contains foetal cells and various proteins that are needed for a confirmed diagnosis of :
Down syndrome, which is a genetic disorder caused when abnormal cell division results in an extra full or partial copy of chromosome 21.
Severity of anemia in babies who have Rh sensitization — an uncommon condition in which a mother's immune system produces antibodies against a specific protein on the surface of the baby's blood cells.
Level of amniotic fluid: If you accumulate too much amniotic fluid during pregnancy (polyhydramnios), amniocentesis might be done to drain excess amniotic fluid from your uterus.
If your second trimester appointment is this week, you will get tests done like urine tests, blood sugar tests in addition to a physical examination.
What should you eat in this week of pregnancy?
In your second trimester, heartburn or indigestion might be regular visitors. It’s all down to those pregnancy hormones again, and pressure from your growing baby. You can reduce it by avoiding spicy foods and drinking citrus juices.. Chew your food well, eat little and often but try not to eat too close to bedtime – give yourself time to digest. Drinking chilled water before eating also helps with digestion. A small quantity of chilled milk can help soothe your windpipe Your baby needs zinc for cell growth and brain development. This good mineral also helps support your immune system, maintain your sense of taste and smell, and heal wounds. Pregnant women require 11 milligrams (mg) of zinc per day. Some studies link zinc deficiency to low birth weight and other problems during pregnancy, labor, and delivery. Mushrooms are a rich, low calorie source of fiber, protein, and antioxidants and a good source of zinc. Here is a simple and delicious recipe:
Zinc-alicious Mushrooms
200 to 250 grams button mushrooms
½ tablespoon ginger-garlic paste or crushed ginger-garlic or approx ½ inch ginger + 3-4 garlic crushed in a mortar and pestle
½ teaspoon ajwain (carom seeds)
¼ teaspoon Garam Masala Powder
a pinch of turmeric powder
3 to 4 tablespoon besan (gram flour or chickpea flour)
1 tablespoon oil for the grilling
Sendha namak (Rock Salt): As per taste
Chaat masala and chopped coriander to sprinkle, lemon juice to dribble,
- Rinse the mushrooms well in water. Drain and wipe them dry.
- In a bowl, add all the spice powders, carom seeds, salt and oil. Mix well and keep aside to marinate for 20-25 minutes.
- After 20-25 mins, add the gram flour and mix well. Slide on skewers.
- Bake in oven for 25-30 minutes in an oven that has been preheated to 200 degrees c.
- After 15-20 minutes when grilling, you can turn the skewers so that there is uniform grilling. Baste with some oil.
- Sprinkle some lemon juice, chaat masala, and coriander leaves on the mushroom tikka.
- Have with rotis, or to add a double-zinc factor, with boiled chickpeas.