Garbh Sanskar
Garbh Sanskar
June 12, 2023

What are Good Garbh Sanskar Activities for Pregnant Women?

iMumz Expert Panel
Altering your pregnancy lifestyle with small changes, as per Garbh Sanskar can yield amazing results. With the mum-to-be making these changes, the baby will feel loved and wanted. Science has proven that these activities play a major role in helping the unborn baby grow towards his or her fullest potential. Here is a list of activities that are recommended under Garbh Sanskar:
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iMumz Expert Panel
Updated on:
February 28, 2023

Have a good, healthy diet

Have you heard about your elders advising you to eat freshly-cooked food? There is science-based truth in that. Putting food in the fridge and reheating it later is not advisable. Refrigeration does NOT stop the growth of Listeria. (Listeria is a type of bacteria found in some foods which can cause a serious infection called listeriosis).

Also, avoid junk food and ordering in food from outside.

Have a balanced diet. The balance should be of nutrients and also ‘rasas’ as per Garbh Sanskar. That means that you should have sour, sweet, salty, bitter and pungent foods, not just one or two of these.  

Do your daily meditation

Have you heard about the term, ‘mindfulness’? It simply means that you sit in a quiet place, close your eyes and shut out all thoughts while focusing on your breathing. Easy, right?! Well, while it is easy, when it comes to doing it daily, there are so many distractions. 

I want to watch T.V. and finish that show.

I want to make a phone call.

I’ll do it tomorrow.

Sounds familiar? But, if you can convince yourself to get into a daily routine of meditation, you will reap immense benefits.

In one study, a group of pregnant women who practised mindfulness reported significant reduction in their anxiety and negative feelings like distress, hostility, and shame, compared to a group that did not. Imagine the increased benefits they were sending to their unborn baby?!

Garbh Sanskar music is like magic

You must be wondering - why should I listen to this music so early in the pregnancy? The baby can’t even hear.  

Yes, the baby cannot hear right from Day 1. At around 18 weeks of pregnancy, your unborn baby can hear sounds in your body like your heartbeat. At 27 to 29 weeks (6 to 7 months), they can hear your voice and some other sounds close to you. At term, they can hear at about the same level as an adult.

But, music is not only about the baby's ability to hear. It’s also about the effect of music on your body, the hormones that are produced as a result and their good effects on the baby.

According to a new study, listening to classical music enhanced the activity of genes involved in dopamine secretion and transport. What does this mean? Your body’s ability to generate happiness inside increases! 

So, it is highly advisable for pregnant women to listen to calming music as part of their Garbh Sanskar activities daily.

In the third trimester, the baby is hearing. And, let us assure you - if you listen to calming ragas like Malkauns, Shaant, Bageshwari, Yaman and Bhairav, the baby’s growth is enhanced. An added benefit - the baby will recognize that music after birth and you will be able to get the baby to sleep easily by playing that music.

Yoga, for giving baby a boost. We all know that pregnancy yoga:

  • Gives you better sleep.
  • Reduces your stress and negative feelings.
  • Increase the strength, flexibility of muscles needed for childbirth.
  • Reduces pregnancy symptoms like lower back pain, nausea, headaches and shortness of breath.
  • It’s a natural painkiller - try it!

But, did you know that it is an important pillar of Garbh Sanskar? Even simple breathing exercises, if done daily, increase your intake of oxygen and detoxify the blood reaching your baby.

Your blood circulation gets a new spark which helps the baby's growth. If done with mindfulness and soothing music, you are giving your baby a tremendous boost.

Garbh Samvad: Talking to your unborn baby

Feeling awkward about it? We understand, but at the same time, we wish to assure you that it has HUGE benefits.

Talking ALOUD  (not just in your mind) is a Garbh Sanskar prescription. In early pregnancy, even when the baby cannot hear, the way your body reacts to this communication exercise reaches the baby through your positive hormones.

Take out a time in the day when you can talk, sing or read a story to the baby.  

Scientists have found that unborn babies clearly respond to different vibrations and sounds with changes in their heart rate or movement patterns when they hear their mother’s voice. 

They have established that the conversations you have with your baby are laying the foundations for their social and emotional development, as well as their language skills and memory. 

Your voice is building their understanding of the world.

Garbh Prarthana

Prarthana means prayer. It doesn’t matter who you pray to. Just take out time to fold your hands, close your eyes and say a prayer of thanks to the Almighty. Seek blessings upon the unborn baby. It draws the universe’s positive energies to the baby.

Garbh Sangeet

Music has a wonderful effect on the baby. Garbh Sanskar music varies from state to state in India, but it's usually instrumental with vocals only as an accompaniment or vocal-instrumental compositions. It makes the baby feel upbeat, and makes stress-free.

Classical music is the best choice since its range of notes and their repetition creates a soothing effect. Other kinds of music that you can choose from are any light and gentle tones. Avoid harsh and loud music.  It may startle your baby. Studies suggest that this kind of music can negatively affect brain development.

You can even change your phone’s ringtone to a Garbha Sanskar tune.

In addition to the above, here are some things you can do:

  • Visualising the baby inside, getting ready for the correct birth position.
  • Tender massage of the belly.
  • Both parents talk to each other about the baby.
  • Aromatherapy with essential oils.
  • Pranayama and Yoga under guidance.
  • Healthy Satvik diet, including ghee.
  • Creative pursuits like art and sewing.

Have a good, healthy diet

Have you heard about your elders advising you to eat freshly-cooked food? There is science-based truth in that. Putting food in the fridge and reheating it later is not advisable. Refrigeration does NOT stop the growth of Listeria. (Listeria is a type of bacteria found in some foods which can cause a serious infection called listeriosis).

Also, avoid junk food and ordering in food from outside.

Have a balanced diet. The balance should be of nutrients and also ‘rasas’ as per Garbh Sanskar. That means that you should have sour, sweet, salty, bitter and pungent foods, not just one or two of these.  

Do your daily meditation

Have you heard about the term, ‘mindfulness’? It simply means that you sit in a quiet place, close your eyes and shut out all thoughts while focusing on your breathing. Easy, right?! Well, while it is easy, when it comes to doing it daily, there are so many distractions. 

I want to watch T.V. and finish that show.

I want to make a phone call.

I’ll do it tomorrow.

Sounds familiar? But, if you can convince yourself to get into a daily routine of meditation, you will reap immense benefits.

In one study, a group of pregnant women who practised mindfulness reported significant reduction in their anxiety and negative feelings like distress, hostility, and shame, compared to a group that did not. Imagine the increased benefits they were sending to their unborn baby?!

Garbh Sanskar music is like magic

You must be wondering - why should I listen to this music so early in the pregnancy? The baby can’t even hear.  

Yes, the baby cannot hear right from Day 1. At around 18 weeks of pregnancy, your unborn baby can hear sounds in your body like your heartbeat. At 27 to 29 weeks (6 to 7 months), they can hear your voice and some other sounds close to you. At term, they can hear at about the same level as an adult.

But, music is not only about the baby's ability to hear. It’s also about the effect of music on your body, the hormones that are produced as a result and their good effects on the baby.

According to a new study, listening to classical music enhanced the activity of genes involved in dopamine secretion and transport. What does this mean? Your body’s ability to generate happiness inside increases! 

So, it is highly advisable for pregnant women to listen to calming music as part of their Garbh Sanskar activities daily.

In the third trimester, the baby is hearing. And, let us assure you - if you listen to calming ragas like Malkauns, Shaant, Bageshwari, Yaman and Bhairav, the baby’s growth is enhanced. An added benefit - the baby will recognize that music after birth and you will be able to get the baby to sleep easily by playing that music.

Yoga, for giving baby a boost. We all know that pregnancy yoga:

  • Gives you better sleep.
  • Reduces your stress and negative feelings.
  • Increase the strength, flexibility of muscles needed for childbirth.
  • Reduces pregnancy symptoms like lower back pain, nausea, headaches and shortness of breath.
  • It’s a natural painkiller - try it!

But, did you know that it is an important pillar of Garbh Sanskar? Even simple breathing exercises, if done daily, increase your intake of oxygen and detoxify the blood reaching your baby.

Your blood circulation gets a new spark which helps the baby's growth. If done with mindfulness and soothing music, you are giving your baby a tremendous boost.

Garbh Samvad: Talking to your unborn baby

Feeling awkward about it? We understand, but at the same time, we wish to assure you that it has HUGE benefits.

Talking ALOUD  (not just in your mind) is a Garbh Sanskar prescription. In early pregnancy, even when the baby cannot hear, the way your body reacts to this communication exercise reaches the baby through your positive hormones.

Take out a time in the day when you can talk, sing or read a story to the baby.  

Scientists have found that unborn babies clearly respond to different vibrations and sounds with changes in their heart rate or movement patterns when they hear their mother’s voice. 

They have established that the conversations you have with your baby are laying the foundations for their social and emotional development, as well as their language skills and memory. 

Your voice is building their understanding of the world.

Garbh Prarthana

Prarthana means prayer. It doesn’t matter who you pray to. Just take out time to fold your hands, close your eyes and say a prayer of thanks to the Almighty. Seek blessings upon the unborn baby. It draws the universe’s positive energies to the baby.

Garbh Sangeet

Music has a wonderful effect on the baby. Garbh Sanskar music varies from state to state in India, but it's usually instrumental with vocals only as an accompaniment or vocal-instrumental compositions. It makes the baby feel upbeat, and makes stress-free.

Classical music is the best choice since its range of notes and their repetition creates a soothing effect. Other kinds of music that you can choose from are any light and gentle tones. Avoid harsh and loud music.  It may startle your baby. Studies suggest that this kind of music can negatively affect brain development.

You can even change your phone’s ringtone to a Garbha Sanskar tune.

In addition to the above, here are some things you can do:

  • Visualising the baby inside, getting ready for the correct birth position.
  • Tender massage of the belly.
  • Both parents talk to each other about the baby.
  • Aromatherapy with essential oils.
  • Pranayama and Yoga under guidance.
  • Healthy Satvik diet, including ghee.
  • Creative pursuits like art and sewing.
Garbh Sanskar
June 12, 2023

What are Good Garbh Sanskar Activities for Pregnant Women?

iMumz Expert Panel

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