June 12, 2023

Pregnancy Make-Up for the Wedding Season

iMumz Expert Panel
We share with you some of the best products to use (while you're pregnant) for your make-up during weddings!
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iMumz Expert Panel
Updated on:
February 28, 2023

Yay! The wedding season is here. Your best friend is finally getting married to the groom of her choice! You might have dreamt to dance to your favourite song at her wedding and decided your outfits beforehand. You might also have planned to try out new highlights or a different make-up which you have been waiting for, for a long time. 

Alas! She is getting married when you’re pregnant. No more dance, no more pre-planned outfits. But wait, what about make-up? You can still go ahead with the makeup you had planned for, with a few minor tweaks- all to ensure your safety and obviously, your munchkin’s. 

So here we go with a few tips to ensure your makeup is healthy for your pregnancy:

Hair Removal

For hair removal, gel or cream depilatories can be used. But, due to hormonal changes, skin becomes extra sensitive during pregnancy. Test them on a smaller part of skin first to ensure that they do not cause any reaction. Avoid bikini wax. Use a razor instead.


Do not step out without sunscreen as your body has heightened sensitivity now. Make sure you apply an SPF 30 while going out of your home.

Skin Brightening

For brightening your skin, switch to Vitamin C serums whenever going for a light make-up. These are highly recommended in pregnancy as they have antioxidant properties and are safe to use.



Lipstick can be harmful to the baby, if ingested. Its better you choose lipsticks made of organic ingredients like shea butter, beeswax, almond oil, jojoba oil, rose oil, or cocoa butter. These are not harmful to your baby.

Face Cream

Avoid ingredients like salicylic acid and retinoids as they get absorbed by the skin and can get transferred to the bloodstream. Other ingredients like sodium lauryl sulphate and parabens should also be avoided as they might be harmful to the pregnancy skin with heightened sensitivity.


Foundation is must for the acne-prone pregnancy skin. It is safe to use your regular foundation, provided it doesn't have beta hydroxy acids and retinoids. You can also go for a good quality organic foundation that lasts long.

Nail Polish

Nail Colours have the most risk of getting ingested while eating. These are best to be avoided in pregnancy. If you still want to use nail colours, go for good quality ones without toluene and which do not chip off easily.

Face Powders

Avoid powders with hydroquinone and tetracycline as an ingredient as they might pose risk to your baby. If you’re applying face powder, make sure that you use only the minimum amount required and brush off the extra powder.


Avoid kohl made of harmful ingredients. It is easy to make kohl at home using almond oil or ghee. This has no harmful ingredients and is beneficial for your eyes.

These being the basic makeup tips, here are some more that you should ensure while choosing other products, for a safe pregnancy- 

  • Opt for Phthalate-free, Paraben-free, BPA-free and DEA-free products.
  • Avoid pregnancy complications by using products with only natural and organic ingredients.
  • Go for gluten-free organic products.
  • Avoid soy as an ingredient in natural products as it can increase hyperpigmentation.

Yay! The wedding season is here. Your best friend is finally getting married to the groom of her choice! You might have dreamt to dance to your favourite song at her wedding and decided your outfits beforehand. You might also have planned to try out new highlights or a different make-up which you have been waiting for, for a long time. 

Alas! She is getting married when you’re pregnant. No more dance, no more pre-planned outfits. But wait, what about make-up? You can still go ahead with the makeup you had planned for, with a few minor tweaks- all to ensure your safety and obviously, your munchkin’s. 

So here we go with a few tips to ensure your makeup is healthy for your pregnancy:

Hair Removal

For hair removal, gel or cream depilatories can be used. But, due to hormonal changes, skin becomes extra sensitive during pregnancy. Test them on a smaller part of skin first to ensure that they do not cause any reaction. Avoid bikini wax. Use a razor instead.


Do not step out without sunscreen as your body has heightened sensitivity now. Make sure you apply an SPF 30 while going out of your home.

Skin Brightening

For brightening your skin, switch to Vitamin C serums whenever going for a light make-up. These are highly recommended in pregnancy as they have antioxidant properties and are safe to use.



Lipstick can be harmful to the baby, if ingested. Its better you choose lipsticks made of organic ingredients like shea butter, beeswax, almond oil, jojoba oil, rose oil, or cocoa butter. These are not harmful to your baby.

Face Cream

Avoid ingredients like salicylic acid and retinoids as they get absorbed by the skin and can get transferred to the bloodstream. Other ingredients like sodium lauryl sulphate and parabens should also be avoided as they might be harmful to the pregnancy skin with heightened sensitivity.


Foundation is must for the acne-prone pregnancy skin. It is safe to use your regular foundation, provided it doesn't have beta hydroxy acids and retinoids. You can also go for a good quality organic foundation that lasts long.

Nail Polish

Nail Colours have the most risk of getting ingested while eating. These are best to be avoided in pregnancy. If you still want to use nail colours, go for good quality ones without toluene and which do not chip off easily.

Face Powders

Avoid powders with hydroquinone and tetracycline as an ingredient as they might pose risk to your baby. If you’re applying face powder, make sure that you use only the minimum amount required and brush off the extra powder.


Avoid kohl made of harmful ingredients. It is easy to make kohl at home using almond oil or ghee. This has no harmful ingredients and is beneficial for your eyes.

These being the basic makeup tips, here are some more that you should ensure while choosing other products, for a safe pregnancy- 

  • Opt for Phthalate-free, Paraben-free, BPA-free and DEA-free products.
  • Avoid pregnancy complications by using products with only natural and organic ingredients.
  • Go for gluten-free organic products.
  • Avoid soy as an ingredient in natural products as it can increase hyperpigmentation.
June 12, 2023

Pregnancy Make-Up for the Wedding Season

iMumz Expert Panel

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