June 12, 2023

How to Keep Your Unborn Baby Safe in Diwali

iMumz Expert Panel
The most awaited celebration of the year is here: Diwali! We know every decision of yours nowadays is based on what's best for the little one and hence, we have put down comprehensive dos and don’ts for you to ensure your enjoyment and their safety.
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iMumz Expert Panel
Updated on:
March 6, 2023

Light Up Some Diyas

Deepavali has many stories linked to its celebration. The most famous story is that of Lord Rama returning to Ayodhya from exile and people lighting up diyas to celebrate his return. Light up your house with more lights and diyas this year, as you are awaiting your little one’s arrival very soon. The time spent while lighting diyas with your family members would help you and your baby bond better with everyone in the family.

Stay Away from Pollution

Air and noise pollution due to phuljhari, anaar and other crackers affects your health and peace of mind, which in turn affects your baby’s emotional development. Reducing noise is beneficial for your peace of mind. We recommend you choose low noise crackers like balloon crackers which are safe and fun at the same time. If you love bursting crackers, please reduce the number of crackers so that the ill effects on your health are reduced. Retain those extra crackers for your munchkin’s first Diwali.

If you are a cracker hater, your child would love it, at least till the time he is in the womb! Just gorge on those sweets and enjoy the festival of food sitting at your comfort. You can also feel joyful by spreading joy by gifting crackers and clothes to the needy and make their Diwali as happening as yours. Meditate to maintain your calm in the noise all around. Listen to the stories on iMumz app. Your baby would love to hear your voice when you recite those stories, instead of the noise of crackers. Meditating and story recitals will help you bond better with the baby in these festive times.

Have a Sweet Diwali

Thank your baby bump to allow you enjoy a festive season with no work, only chill. Reward your baby with as many homemade sweets as she wants you to eat. When it comes to consuming sweets from outside, ensure that the ingredients are fresh and the sweets are from a reliable source with unadulterated ingredients. You can also prepare pregnancy-friendly sumptuous sweet recipes available on iMumz app.

Enjoy a Safe Diwali

As you have already gone lighter on festive preparations and enjoying your family filling up for you, it is your responsibility to apply a few restrictions on yourself for a happy and healthy baby. 

We know you like to clean up your home on your own and discover the long lost pen in that corner. But, take a break! It is okay if your spouse finds it for you this year while you instruct him wisely sitting on that couch. Your baby bump advises you to stay away from washing the linen, or setting the pillow covers this year. While you are busy commenting on the flavour of snacks by repeatedly asking for your favourite one, make sure you do not give up on the nutrition and follow a balanced diet. Wear simple clothes as heavy dresses in pregnancy only add to the clumsiness. Avoid synthetic dresses to reduce the risk of fire from the sparkles,or the chakri.

Your baby matters the most. Subscribe to Baby Care Program Plus on iMumz app to create the safest womb environment for your baby and help your baby become a virtuous child. Take Care!

Light Up Some Diyas

Deepavali has many stories linked to its celebration. The most famous story is that of Lord Rama returning to Ayodhya from exile and people lighting up diyas to celebrate his return. Light up your house with more lights and diyas this year, as you are awaiting your little one’s arrival very soon. The time spent while lighting diyas with your family members would help you and your baby bond better with everyone in the family.

Stay Away from Pollution

Air and noise pollution due to phuljhari, anaar and other crackers affects your health and peace of mind, which in turn affects your baby’s emotional development. Reducing noise is beneficial for your peace of mind. We recommend you choose low noise crackers like balloon crackers which are safe and fun at the same time. If you love bursting crackers, please reduce the number of crackers so that the ill effects on your health are reduced. Retain those extra crackers for your munchkin’s first Diwali.

If you are a cracker hater, your child would love it, at least till the time he is in the womb! Just gorge on those sweets and enjoy the festival of food sitting at your comfort. You can also feel joyful by spreading joy by gifting crackers and clothes to the needy and make their Diwali as happening as yours. Meditate to maintain your calm in the noise all around. Listen to the stories on iMumz app. Your baby would love to hear your voice when you recite those stories, instead of the noise of crackers. Meditating and story recitals will help you bond better with the baby in these festive times.

Have a Sweet Diwali

Thank your baby bump to allow you enjoy a festive season with no work, only chill. Reward your baby with as many homemade sweets as she wants you to eat. When it comes to consuming sweets from outside, ensure that the ingredients are fresh and the sweets are from a reliable source with unadulterated ingredients. You can also prepare pregnancy-friendly sumptuous sweet recipes available on iMumz app.

Enjoy a Safe Diwali

As you have already gone lighter on festive preparations and enjoying your family filling up for you, it is your responsibility to apply a few restrictions on yourself for a happy and healthy baby. 

We know you like to clean up your home on your own and discover the long lost pen in that corner. But, take a break! It is okay if your spouse finds it for you this year while you instruct him wisely sitting on that couch. Your baby bump advises you to stay away from washing the linen, or setting the pillow covers this year. While you are busy commenting on the flavour of snacks by repeatedly asking for your favourite one, make sure you do not give up on the nutrition and follow a balanced diet. Wear simple clothes as heavy dresses in pregnancy only add to the clumsiness. Avoid synthetic dresses to reduce the risk of fire from the sparkles,or the chakri.

Your baby matters the most. Subscribe to Baby Care Program Plus on iMumz app to create the safest womb environment for your baby and help your baby become a virtuous child. Take Care!

June 12, 2023

How to Keep Your Unborn Baby Safe in Diwali

iMumz Expert Panel

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