Weeks and Trimesters
June 12, 2023

Hidden Signs and Symptoms of Twin Pregnancy

iMumz Expert Panel
Twin pregnancy brings twice the joy. Twin pregnancy symptoms are mostly similar to those of a single baby pregnancy, they are more intense in nature.
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iMumz Expert Panel
Updated on:
August 4, 2023

Pregnant and wondering if it could be twins? Twice the happiness and perhaps, twice the trouble? It sure must be an exciting thought. Here’s a reliable guide on the early and sometimes, hidden symptoms of a twin pregnancy.

Hidden signs and symptoms of twin pregnancy

A. Heightened sense of smell

Hypersomnia is a persistently heightened or increased sense of smell, and it’s very common in pregnancy. It’s the estrogen that causes this. In twins, there is more of this hormone in your body, hence this symptom can occur more intensely.

B. Unusual uterus size

Not only do twins take up more space, they may be positioned differently. Fraternal twins develop from two different eggs, each fertilized by one sperm. They implant separately in the uterus and develop their own placentas and amniotic sacs.

Identical twins are of 3 types:

  • About one-third of identical twins split soon after fertilisation and form completely separate twins. Like fraternal twins, these twins have separate placentas.
  • The other two-thirds split after they attach to the wall of the womb. As a result, they share a placenta. The technical name for this is monochorionic.
  • In a very small number of identical twins, splitting might happen even later. In this case, both twins share an inner sac, called the amnion, in addition to sharing a placenta. The technical name for this is monoamniotic twins. They’re often called MoMo twins.

C. Elevated blood pressure

In a study, it was found that although the blood pressure changes during twin pregnancies through the weeks were similar to those during singleton pregnancies, the blood pressure levels during twin pregnancies were higher.

D. Presence of gestational diabetes

Again, it boils down to pregnancy hormones. Because of higher levels of the hormone,  gestational diabetes is slightly more common in twin pregnancies. TOne study shows that the increase of chances of gestational diabetes in twins goes up by 9%.

Early signs and symptoms of twin pregnancy

A. Increased fatigue and exhaustion

Extreme fatigue is the most commonly reported symptom in a twin pregnancy.  Sleepiness, lethargy, and exhaustion, while experienced in singletons also - can be more pronounced in a twin pregnancy. So, if you feel like just lying down and your eyes aren’t opening even after a good nap, it just might be a sign! 

B. Higher level of nausea and vomiting

Because there are more pregnancy hormones at work in a twin pregnancy, nausea is more. It could also last beyond the 14th week of pregnancy. Of course, it's not a sure sign because experiencing severe or prolonged morning sickness can also be in indicator of hyperemesis gravidarum, an excessive nausea condition that some pregnant women face even with singletons.

C. Quicker weight gain

Again, this isn't a sure indicator of twin pregnancy because height, pre-pregnant weight, diet, and body type of the woman also determine her belly shape. But, most women with twins do start showing early. 

D. Elevated hormone levels

Doctors do say that  women carrying twins tend to have higher hCG levels than those experiencing a singleton pregnancy. But, again, there is a hCG levels vary from woman to woman and also from one pregnancy to another in the same woman. So, only an ultrasound can tell definitively.

So, as we can see, there are some telltale signs when you are having twins and may need closer monitoring.

Chances of conceiving twins naturally are often random and often support by some factors such as age of the woman. Late 30s and 40s are more related to conceiving twins. Even height is a factor. Taller women seem to have a higher rate of having twins. Studies say that an insulin-like growth factor comes with the height of the woman that leads to height chances of twins. More than 5’5”? Your chances are higher.

Even weight has a relationship. Women who have overweight also have a higher chance of conceiving twins naturally. So, if your body mass index (BMI) is above 30,  your chances increase.

Expecting twins and need support? The iMumz Womb Care Program offers daily yoga, lifestyle tips, and expert-led classes for making your womb a better place for your baby. It comes with a panel of coaches to be by your side and make your journey amazing.

Pregnant and wondering if it could be twins? Twice the happiness and perhaps, twice the trouble? It sure must be an exciting thought. Here’s a reliable guide on the early and sometimes, hidden symptoms of a twin pregnancy.

Hidden signs and symptoms of twin pregnancy

A. Heightened sense of smell

Hypersomnia is a persistently heightened or increased sense of smell, and it’s very common in pregnancy. It’s the estrogen that causes this. In twins, there is more of this hormone in your body, hence this symptom can occur more intensely.

B. Unusual uterus size

Not only do twins take up more space, they may be positioned differently. Fraternal twins develop from two different eggs, each fertilized by one sperm. They implant separately in the uterus and develop their own placentas and amniotic sacs.

Identical twins are of 3 types:

  • About one-third of identical twins split soon after fertilisation and form completely separate twins. Like fraternal twins, these twins have separate placentas.
  • The other two-thirds split after they attach to the wall of the womb. As a result, they share a placenta. The technical name for this is monochorionic.
  • In a very small number of identical twins, splitting might happen even later. In this case, both twins share an inner sac, called the amnion, in addition to sharing a placenta. The technical name for this is monoamniotic twins. They’re often called MoMo twins.

C. Elevated blood pressure

In a study, it was found that although the blood pressure changes during twin pregnancies through the weeks were similar to those during singleton pregnancies, the blood pressure levels during twin pregnancies were higher.

D. Presence of gestational diabetes

Again, it boils down to pregnancy hormones. Because of higher levels of the hormone,  gestational diabetes is slightly more common in twin pregnancies. TOne study shows that the increase of chances of gestational diabetes in twins goes up by 9%.

Early signs and symptoms of twin pregnancy

A. Increased fatigue and exhaustion

Extreme fatigue is the most commonly reported symptom in a twin pregnancy.  Sleepiness, lethargy, and exhaustion, while experienced in singletons also - can be more pronounced in a twin pregnancy. So, if you feel like just lying down and your eyes aren’t opening even after a good nap, it just might be a sign! 

B. Higher level of nausea and vomiting

Because there are more pregnancy hormones at work in a twin pregnancy, nausea is more. It could also last beyond the 14th week of pregnancy. Of course, it's not a sure sign because experiencing severe or prolonged morning sickness can also be in indicator of hyperemesis gravidarum, an excessive nausea condition that some pregnant women face even with singletons.

C. Quicker weight gain

Again, this isn't a sure indicator of twin pregnancy because height, pre-pregnant weight, diet, and body type of the woman also determine her belly shape. But, most women with twins do start showing early. 

D. Elevated hormone levels

Doctors do say that  women carrying twins tend to have higher hCG levels than those experiencing a singleton pregnancy. But, again, there is a hCG levels vary from woman to woman and also from one pregnancy to another in the same woman. So, only an ultrasound can tell definitively.

So, as we can see, there are some telltale signs when you are having twins and may need closer monitoring.

Chances of conceiving twins naturally are often random and often support by some factors such as age of the woman. Late 30s and 40s are more related to conceiving twins. Even height is a factor. Taller women seem to have a higher rate of having twins. Studies say that an insulin-like growth factor comes with the height of the woman that leads to height chances of twins. More than 5’5”? Your chances are higher.

Even weight has a relationship. Women who have overweight also have a higher chance of conceiving twins naturally. So, if your body mass index (BMI) is above 30,  your chances increase.

Expecting twins and need support? The iMumz Womb Care Program offers daily yoga, lifestyle tips, and expert-led classes for making your womb a better place for your baby. It comes with a panel of coaches to be by your side and make your journey amazing.

Weeks and Trimesters
June 12, 2023

Hidden Signs and Symptoms of Twin Pregnancy

iMumz Expert Panel

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