Baby Care
Baby Care
June 12, 2023

Can My 8-12 Month-Old get Dehydrated?

iMumz Expert Panel
Don't let dehydration sneak up on your little one! Learn the signs and preventative measures to keep your 8-12 month-old hydrated and healthy!
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iMumz Expert Panel
Updated on:
January 12, 2023

Dehydration in children usually is caused by vomiting, diarrhea, or both. It also can happen when children don't want to drink because they have mouth sores or a sore throat.


Dehydration in children usually is caused by vomiting, diarrhea, or both. It also can happen when children don't want to drink because they have mouth sores or a sore throat. Kids also can get dehydrated in hot weather or when they are very active.

Signs & Symptoms

  • A dry or sticky mouth.
  • Few or no tears when crying.
  • Eyes that look sunken.
  • In babies, the soft spot (fontanelle) on top of the head looks sunken.
  • Peeing less or fewer wet diapers than usual.
  • Crankiness.
  • Drowsiness or dizziness.


  • Give your child small sips of oral rehydration solution as often as possible, about 1 or 2 teaspoons (5 or 10 milliliters) every few minutes.
  • Babies can continue to breastfeed or take formula, as long as they are not vomiting repeatedly.
  • Older children also can have electrolyte ice pops.
  • Kids can keep eating their regular diet unless the doctor recommends a change. They may not want to eat at first but as long as they are drinking, it’s OK if they aren’t eating any solid foods.
  • Don't give babies plain water instead of an oral rehydration solution. It doesn't have the right nutrients for babies with dehydration.
  • Don't give sports drinks, soda, or full-strength (undiluted) juice. They have too much sugar which can make some symptoms worse.
  • As your child starts to feel better and has a better appetite, you can give less oral rehydration solution and more of their usual food and drink.
  • Don’t give medicines for diarrhoea or vomiting unless the doctor recommends it.

Dehydration in children usually is caused by vomiting, diarrhea, or both. It also can happen when children don't want to drink because they have mouth sores or a sore throat.


Dehydration in children usually is caused by vomiting, diarrhea, or both. It also can happen when children don't want to drink because they have mouth sores or a sore throat. Kids also can get dehydrated in hot weather or when they are very active.

Signs & Symptoms

  • A dry or sticky mouth.
  • Few or no tears when crying.
  • Eyes that look sunken.
  • In babies, the soft spot (fontanelle) on top of the head looks sunken.
  • Peeing less or fewer wet diapers than usual.
  • Crankiness.
  • Drowsiness or dizziness.


  • Give your child small sips of oral rehydration solution as often as possible, about 1 or 2 teaspoons (5 or 10 milliliters) every few minutes.
  • Babies can continue to breastfeed or take formula, as long as they are not vomiting repeatedly.
  • Older children also can have electrolyte ice pops.
  • Kids can keep eating their regular diet unless the doctor recommends a change. They may not want to eat at first but as long as they are drinking, it’s OK if they aren’t eating any solid foods.
  • Don't give babies plain water instead of an oral rehydration solution. It doesn't have the right nutrients for babies with dehydration.
  • Don't give sports drinks, soda, or full-strength (undiluted) juice. They have too much sugar which can make some symptoms worse.
  • As your child starts to feel better and has a better appetite, you can give less oral rehydration solution and more of their usual food and drink.
  • Don’t give medicines for diarrhoea or vomiting unless the doctor recommends it.
Baby Care
June 12, 2023

Can My 8-12 Month-Old get Dehydrated?

iMumz Expert Panel

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